Pioneer Poster Project


The Pioneers SA Poster Project began in 2014 with the aim of sharing the stories of pioneers with a wider audience. Initially the emphasis was to encourage members to write their own ancestors’ stories, which they had thoroughly researched. There was a great response and over 40 A2 posters were published and displayed in History Month.  


Due to the popularity of this project it has continued as a regular project each year. The tally is now over 300 posters which can be loaned to community organisations, displayed at history events or form part of a larger exhibition. Please contact our librarian if your group/library wishes to set up a display.


The focus of the project has evolved over the ensuing years to ensure women’s and children’s stories are now retold. These are the stories that don’t appear in published accounts and are more difficult to research.


While the Pioneer Posters include important details relating to major life events and their date of arrival in South Australia, they are not a day by day account of a pioneer’s life, but a snapshot of family and events shaping their personal history through a 300-word story.


Posters produced each year are displayed publicly during History Month and booklets containing each year's collection as an A4 version are available for purchase.  A watermarked image of each poster can be viewed on our website.


The project is managed by a Pioneer Posters Coordinator who can assist with using the poster template and guide the author through the writing process.  Help is always available either in person, by email or phone.


For more information about producing a poster please email the coordinator at


As we now have over 300 posters in our pioneer poster collection, we would like to ensure that a pioneer is not duplicated. To this end, would you please complete the form below and send back to the Pioneer Poster Coordinator at


Expression of Interest Form - WORD (Preferred), type in the details, save and email it to 

Expression of Interest Form - PDF, print and add hand written details, then scan and email to 


Templates and Guide for Producing a Poster (Available from the Members Resources page, click HERE to go to them.)

You must have MS Word installed on your PC. There are three templates to use to write up your pioneer poster.  The templates are designed to allow for the number of marriages for the pioneer, please select the template below relevant to the number of marriages your pioneer had. Please read the guide and instructions on the template carefully before commencing your poster.